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"Reality In The Dark"


The world’s agony fumes
Our fears as the countdown
Reaches midnight there’s nothing
Left but annihilation of everything we know.

All the hopes of the future vaporized
In an instant.
We all knew this would come.
We can scream it all the way as we see the new daybreak.

The sky’s falling as we all prepare to meet
Our fates.
The rain pours down on us
Like pity as we brace for the worst.

Yeah? Okay. Here we go.

Everything’s on fire and nobody knows what
To do but hey that won’t stop me from trying.
I can live my life in fear or I could live
For myself regardless of the costs.

This fear haunted me for so long!
I couldn’t even breathe but now
I won’t let this drown me!
I won’t give up this time.

No more living reality in the dark,
There can be hope no matter the moment
I will keep on going regardless
If the end stares me down in the face.

Everything that we’ve done all
Has a purpose… I won’t this
Be where we let ourselves
Fade in this pain, no I won’t let this make us break.

I never thought I’d get out,
But here I am in another endless war
That wants my sanity.
Yet the enemy doesn’t know me, yeah I’m stronger than this.

Even if it all burns down I know
This won’t be the end,
We can start anew.
A new world of hope is at our reach! This time I finally believe it!

When I was young
I wanted a life where I could
Be something real,
Someone who was worth something.

As time went on,
Rejection and suffering
Got the better of me and I was left
Jaded without hope for anything.

I thought I would drown in despair
For so long! I felt nothing but
Pain, lashing all of it at others
Hoping I could be free.

But there’s something here.
There’s hope! No this isn’t a
Method to just cope!
We don’t have to live this reality in the dark!

I got through so much
Just to get here.
I cried so many tears
And felt so much pain.

The machine needs the blood
To run the cogs.
It keeps turning regardless of the cries,
But we won’t give into despair. No not this time.

I lived in this fear for so many years.
Yeah, it broke me.
Because of it, I pushed so many
People away.

So many of them hurt and broken
Now like me. But then I was free
And it hurt me that I couldn’t do the
Same and free them from the hurt.

I kept comparing myself to them,
Thinking that nothing I did could
Be as good as their accomplishments.
I let this get to me and I didn’t even realize the good I could do.

I worked so hard to get here!
And now living reality in the dark is
Seems like a contradiction.

I spent so long wondering if I was good
Enough not realizing that I always was!
Just because I’m different doesn’t mean I’m
A mistake! I’ll fight for this new dawn my own way!

This despair is done ruining my life!
Because here I am standing tall!
No matter the pain, no matter the challenges
In my way!

I’m done reliving the pain every single day!
Again and again I fall down and I tell
You that I will get back up!
Regardless of how much it takes.

And just know that
Regardless of what happens
That day I will be there
And fight my way out again.

There can be something new after this
Dawn. No more living this reality in the dark.
I wash myself of the past sins and walk into
The sun, embracing the new story I am to write and unfold.

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