Popularity doesn’t fit me
But dang it tonight is where
I’ll try it if it means
Getting a look from you.
You’ve been on my mind
For days.
Yeah, my friends all know it
And let’s be honest you’ve been messing with my mind.
Can’t say that this isn’t
A new feeling but wow
You rock that dress tonight.
I’m just dancing in this neonic light, trying to catch your attention.
We dance and dance
But you keep on looking away.
The purple pinkish after fade
Just erupts in my brain.
“Am I doing something wrong” or
“Is it just that she’s interested in
Somebody else”?
I’m just dancing in the corner tonight!
As you and your friends huddle
Together in your own bubble
As I try to think of a way to talk to you.
Can’t help my insecurities,
After all I’m not used to
Being liked.
It’s always gotta be in this purple pinkish after fade.
2 hours to midnight and I’m back
At square one!
No real sense of time because
Honestly I’m losing my mind.
The madness began at sundown,
We all dance and dance without
Gotta think something fast on the fly,
Or then she’ll just get too uninterested
If I don’t even try.
But who’s to say she just doesn’t already care?
My buddies are chuckling,
Saying that I don’t got the guts to talk
To her.
Running outta time but
There she is in the neonic light,
Can’t help but admire her pink lips from afar
But here I am scrambling to break down a coherent thought!
I’m trying to get to her
But the room’s just too crowded.
The music explodes over and over
In this purple pinkish fade, I’m losing my mind.
This is just an atonal rhyme!
Dance dance! It’s all
I got to try! Gotta give it all
I got! Why am I breaking down
Here, especially now?!
An hour to midnight and
Here I am freaking out!
There’s nothing left to do but
Enjoy the madness in this purple pinkish after fade!
I gotta do something now!
There’s gotta be something I can do!
Gotta ask her to dance now!
There she is ! It’s now or never!
And the clock struck midnight and
Everyone danced away.
Leaving me alone in this purple pinkish
After fade.
They all walked away.
And I’m left in the moonlight
Alone yet again.
My social anxiety won in the end.
Never got to dance with her
And it bums me out.
But then the thought gets to me…
She just wasn’t interested in talking to me!
Alone in the purple pinkish after fade.
I’m rolling with the punches!
Dance dance! Losing myself,
Dancing all alone!
Past midnight and I’m still
Awake and alive!
Rejected but still partying
Until dawn!
When will this waiting
For someone who actually wants
To dance with me end?!
In this neonic light I go
Trying to escape it all.
Dancing until I’m freed from the pain
Of heartache!
The neonic light helps hid
My sad smile as I just
Embrace the isolation…
Wondering if I’ll ever be enough.