Dusk always come before a dawn
These days, y’know?
We’re all on a road that
We think we know but really don’t.
I give those people credit
For at least trying.
Because in this world
Nobody knows what it means to be successful.
We’re all trying to find a way to live
As we want only to find out that
There’s something like a ball and chain
Attached to us.
These days I wonder if I’m
Living out as I should.
Have I done enough or
Too little to justify my life?
Everybody’s already moved on.
What happened can remain a
Ghost story because I killed it
And kept it buried.
But tonight I can’t help but
Return to the graveyard.
Perhaps there’s something I missed
Along the way.
Hopefully this doesn’t phase me
The wrong way.
I’m not like others and I
Had to tell myself for so long that that’s okay.
After I left this place back then,
I felt like the king of the ashes.
It was so lonely at the top.
Tonight I’m wondering
If I should dig up what I
Lost that day or keep it
Even now this closure
Was all for me.
All I can think of is my voice saying
“Don’t let them say you’re washed up”
Or the likes of “you gotta win
So they can know what you’re made of”.
But honestly I feel like I’ve already done this to
The point where anything I do for them just isn’t enough.
We’re all tired living like
Skeletons, I agree so I hate
That I’m back walking around here
Again and again.
Was I better off feeling this
Depression? Because
For some reason people only cared about me
When I was falling off a cliff!
Maybe the ghosts are still alive!
Maybe I never moved on and
All of these victories in my
Belt was just a lie!
I’m trying to be something now.
But it’s so hard
Because even know they’re still comparing
Me to the ghosts I buried.
Can’t the dawn just come
Sooner because I’ve lost all
Sense of time!
It felt like years!
Back then I was
Trapped here!
I was so broken and alone! But there was no way home…
I’m wandering through the graveyard.
Wandering yet seeking something to
Make me feel alive.
Oh anything, anything alright.
What’s the story here anymore?
I thought all the traces were left
Dead in the ground?
What’s the point in digging up an addiction here and now?
Was I better off being haunted now that I’m only being compared to the living?
No, those are just the voices talking!
I gotta run, I gotta run.
Anywhere from here.
Can’t be entranced by the addiction.
I gotta be free.
No more comparing,
They never experienced what I
Went through.
Can’t keep comparing me to them
When I’ve been through Hell and back
And had to find my own way!
This can remain dead and buried in
This graveyard.
No more wandering around
Trying to dig up what should stay 6 feet in the ground.
The dark skyline has a tint of blue light.
I survived the night.
The new dawn awaits me as soon as I get to
The countryside, now understanding that I still got a reason to fight.
Maybe I’m really free.
Free to stop comparing me to others.
There’s a reason to keep on living.
A reason to now be taking the long road home.
Let’s just forget this night ever happened.
I already spent a lot of time here.
I’m sick of the sights of this graveyard…
All of this pain can remain
A dark ghost story that they
Tell future generations as long
As I’m done being the one who has to say it.
I’ve already done my time here
In this graveyard shift.
Someone else can take the reigns
Because now I’m out of here.
Let this stay a dark ghost story
Because I’m out of here,
The sun has come up and
I’m done pretending to be another monster.