For the entirety of the year this poem was written, I was waiting to see someone who I missed for so long. Only for me to realize that they couldn’t have me back in their life. Reconciliation was impossible. And then came the numbness. I was forced to move on or let this consume me. I had to let go and live for myself and not them. Or else I’d drown in their unrealistic obsession I had made. Out of all of the poems I’ve made, this one was the most painful to write. This might be my longest poem here so far, I had so many thoughts and emotions to convey. I wish things didn’t end up this way but I tried for so long to make things right, it’s time to just let go. This is a happy ending I can’t get and I have to live with it. This is the first poem written after the start of AntiochProductions, so there is unintentional overlap with lyrics from the last two poems. I wrote this one with no idea how it would end up. But here it is, consider it a bonus. There’s been so much that I’ve gone through but today I can finally put this all to rest, finally. Despite me not liking how things ended up, there has to be a time to move on and now I will. I dunno what else to say but this is how I feel now: I have to let go and keep it dead and buried. For their sake and for mine.
I can only dream that one day I'll see them again and they won't be so heartbroken to talk to me. But today I gotta leave this all dead and buried because either I take this down or it does me in.