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Commentary 5 - On "Vulcan"


This is another one of my repurposed poems from Spring of ‘22. I had learnt of a planet named “Vulcan” which was theorized to be a planet beyond Mercury due to a calculation a scientist thought of. It was always a hypothetical planet which was then discovered not to be real, to the dismay of many Pre-20th century astronomers. It was theorized to be in between Mercury and the Sun so I wanted to focus on that burning language. As well as the belief that it had to be real so I could find some place to just belong in. This was written around the same time as "Inverted" had been so there’s some overlap in the type of language and feelings that were there. I wasn’t burnt out like I would be during my final year in college yet, more so I was just lost in these depressive emotions.

It's a shorter one but it's one of the poems I wrote from back then alongside "Inverted" that still made sense to release. It's very short and simple, a tale of so much ambition making one lost in the coldness of space. I enjoy the space themed poetry I attempted to make. There was another one based on one of Saturn's moons "Europa" that I wanted to fix up and release on day. I don't know what happened to it though, maybe it wasn't as presentable as Vulcan to me (aka not "good" haha). Maybe someday I'll revamp that one too and put it out there.

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