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Commentary 12 - On "Neonic Light"


This poem was so much fun to write! The descriptive nature of the fading lights always made me happy to write about. So this poem is fun because it’s romantic! Haha. It’s basically my attempt at writing a poem about the thoughts of a guy that’s going 100 MPH trying to talk to the girl he’s interested in at a social event (in this instance a party) and just being unable to. This has happened to me on so many different occasions that I just had to write about it eventually. It is so annoying to go to a party hoping to talk to that girl you wanted to only to be so chicken about to the point that you never do. This poem also delves into talking a bit about some loneliness and trying to find some validation in another person rather than liking them for them being them. It’s a mess, I’ll be fleshing that concept out more eventually but for now I wanted to write a bittersweet poem about love and being unable to attain it. We all have those moments and I just wanted to write about it because seeking a person for validation (other than for religious purposes) is a recipe for disaster.

I just really believed that this was a topic worth talking about. Because in an age where our culture is so self centered, we are unable to talk to each other. Statistically, there are more single people than married couples nowadays which has let loneliness skyrocket. We ask ourselves if there’s something wrong with ourselves to the point that no one is really looking at us whatsoever that way we dream of. It’s a toxic mentality to think of yourself so lowly because someone doesn’t reciprocate your feelings towards them.

Romance is such a hard thing for young people to get around these days. So writing about my experience of being frozen up when trying to reach it was something I had to tell. Then maybe people would understand how it felt to be trapped in the insecurities.

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