This is a whole new beginning for AntiochProductions! The first poem released after the “Burnt Out And Want To Get Out” Collection and it shows. I wanted to write a softer and more thoughtful poem after the heavy themes of the last few poems in the last collection. There was a need for it because I wanted to demonstrate hope after what happened. In my own life, writing and starting AntiochProductions gave me so much freedom. I was able to express myself in my writing and say the things I always wanted to. This is a poem talking about how it feels to be free from a toxic and abusive cycle. It could relate to a break up, depression, addiction. Anything. After traumatic events like those mentioned, one can feel so lost to the point they ask what exactly are they to do now that they are free. Because it’s a genuine question for those of us who got past our depression, what else is there in life for us to explore? This question isn’t asked in a depressive tone but rather because when we are stuck in these cycles we don’t dream of things we would do if we were free. There is still uncertainty in freedom, the question of “what next?” always comes to haunt us. But there is a feeling of being lost and yet found at the same time. It is an oxymoron that keeps us going after the trauma but keeps us wondering. Then there's the fear of relapsing into the spiral again. All because of triggering memories we hate to see before us again. But with help and hope, one can get over it.
This is the themeing of the second collection - "Submerged Castles" - hope after trauma. I hope you enjoy reading it.